Lunch idea #1: Green Salad
What you will need-
A couple of leaves of lettuce, cucumber, celery, onion, and cheese (you can add or exchange options- but these are the vegetables I like and I had at my house). After you have the ingredients, it is rather simple. I peeled and cut up everything and threw it all into a bowl with a lid since you have to bring it to school. I sprinkled some cheese over the top because I'm in love with cheese so that was a must. I then poured greek dressing into separate container to pour onto the salad once at school- otherwise your salad would get soggy. And then I added another container with almonds for protein.
Here is the finished product and it was pretty delicious and filling. I highly recommend bringing gum to school for after each lunch. Especially with this salad- since it contains onions you'll want fresh and clean breath.
First I layered the cheese and then the tomato, spinach, and onions. I generally eat this sandwich without the onion but today I decided to try something new and it tasked so good and ten times better. At the end I poured some balsamic vinegerette which added some delicious flavor then stacked the sandwich together and it was ready to go! I recommend putting the balsamic on once you get to school and also bring gum once again if you decide to use onions like me.
Lunch idea #2: Garden Sandwich
What you will need-
Two slices of bread, tomatoes, spinach, cheese, and onions(optional).First I layered the cheese and then the tomato, spinach, and onions. I generally eat this sandwich without the onion but today I decided to try something new and it tasked so good and ten times better. At the end I poured some balsamic vinegerette which added some delicious flavor then stacked the sandwich together and it was ready to go! I recommend putting the balsamic on once you get to school and also bring gum once again if you decide to use onions like me.
This was probably my favorite meal out of the three!
Lunch idea #3: Hummus and Carrots
What you will need-
Just carrots (or any other good dipping vegetable like peppers or cucumber) and hummus. Mine is store bought.
What you will need-
Then peel the carrots and cut them up and put them in a lunch container. Voila! A simple and easy, delicious, lunch. Also, if you want to be a bit less healthy but a little more tasty, try dipping in pita chips. Or to spice it up, get a flavored hummus. I use a feta and red pepper hummus and it is amazing!
I hope you got some good school lunch ideas, these are all delicious so try one! Wish me luck tomorrow at my first day of school...sophomore!
xoxo emma
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