Monday, February 2, 2015

Earmuff Obsession

Clearly New England has been getting a ton of snow this Winter and I've been searching for cute ways to stay warm.  I just discovered a new favorite method in fighting the cold- earmuffs.  I think earmuffs are actually so cute and different.  Below I'm wearing some from Anthropologie that are $30 and totally worth their price.  In the winter since half the time you are wearing a big coat and snow boots, accessorizing is very important!

I apologize because some of the pictures are a bit blurry since the camera lens was soaked by the snow.

Earmuffs | Jacket | Leggings | Boots | Socks (similar)


p.s. Valentine's day is coming up!  Click here for a DIY gift idea.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pictures! Instagram sent me. :) IG: beeaninspiration
