Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sweater and a Statement

In contrast to the lovely 80 degree weather California is enjoying, here in New England we're still trying to find a place to put all of the snow.  But, snow does mean sweaters and sweaters are my favorite clothing article ever.  Today I put together a typical winter outfit combining a simple sweater with a small statement necklace.  I love this sweater from Max Studio (everything in their Winter Line is 70% off right now...check it out here.) which I picked up at Nordstrom.  It kept me warm on this chilly day and combined perfectly with this semi-statement necklace.

I am currently in the Dominican Republic and the wifi won't let me link the products in the pictures above (the internet is really slow so I cannot find the products on the website); however when I return I will have everything linked.

P.S. check out more outfit posts here.


  1. I love reading your posts and all your outfits! I was just wondering if you could do a post about what stores you shop at!
    Alyson |

    1. Sorry I just saw this comment! yeah that's an awesome idea and I'll have a post like that going up sometime in the first half of march :) xo
