Friday, November 14, 2014

PumpUp Fitness App

My new favorite app on my entire phone, that i completely rely on is the PumpUp App.  It is a fitness and training app that motivates you to lose weight, build muscle, eat healthier, or workout.  Every time you've completed a workout you share a picture and a week/month later you can go through your pictures and see how much you've lost weight or got toned.

Everyday you can pick between workouts that focus on a specific part of your body like your arms, abs, legs, or back muscles.  Then before the work out it gives you a warm up, after the workout it contains a cool down/stretch. (example below)

You can also select the length of the workout and location.  So if you want to work out at home you press "at home", then fill out the length you want it to be (between 5 - 90 minutes).  Or you can cater the workout for the gym or to specific workouts tools like weights or bars that you have at home.

Finally, there is a tracking your weight option.  It allows you to type in your weight goal and then you type in your weight each day and it tells you if you're on track, and centers your exercise to help you.

I love the app, and you can even follow friends and celebrities on it and see their workouts or post-workout pics which is such motivation. (example below)

This app isn't necessarily about losing weight, it is just an overall great way to stay in shape and track your progress!

Try it out and you can follow me on it- @emmaranny12


  1. thank you so much for sharing definitely going to get this app! Greetings from London xoxo

  2. This app is great. I just love the features added in this app to motivate fitness enthusiast. Thanks a lot for writing a nice review about Pump up fitness app.
