Saturday, March 21, 2015

Closet Transformation

Every March I go through a huge Spring cleaning phase, and it gets pretty intense.  This year I started with reorganizing my clothes as I keep my clothes in three different places: my closet, dresser, and a bin for my exercise stuff.  However, everything was a mess and I never knew what was wear, which is not the best for when you're in a hurry.  Today I'm just going to talk about 1/3 of this project (the biggest part), tackling my closet.

Unfortunately, I didn't get an original picture of my closet, but it was a nightmare.  There were paint buckets on the ground, clothes that had fallen all over, the top shelf was filled with junk, etc...  I sorted all of that into the correct spot and that left my closet looking like this.  Still pretty bad.



Here is step by step how I transformed my closet.

*I keep the clothes that need to be hung up in my closet, my pants are separate besides flowy ones 

1. First I rearranged the order of my clothes in the closet.  Before I had no method in where each item went, but now I went through and organized it by (starting from the left): Jackets, sweaters, long sleeves, short sleeves, long tank tops, crop tops, shoe divider, shorts, skirts, maxi skirts, pants, casual dresses, then formal dresses.  This makes the whole look flow better and it will be much easier to find the article of clothing I am looking for.

2.  I put in a rug to cover a stain on the ground and it actually just makes the entire closet look a lot nicer.

3.  I also reorganized my shoe hanger.  I keep my favorite sandals and wedges in there along with flats and a pair of converse.  My tall boots, bean boots, etc. I keep down stairs because I'm wearing them a lot right now through the end of winter.

I put in this been at the bottom to hold my beach bags as well as some random things I never wear, but want to keep (mainly my onesie pajamas).

 4. (from the right) The first red bin holds my bathing suits and is kind of over flowing... The next red bin has my wristlets, wallets, and some smaller cross body bags.  Then i have my favorite hat sitting up there, and finally the brow bin has 2 sweatshirts because the hooks for sweatshirts in my bedroom are full.

5.  If you can see on the end, I hung the two full size purses I own (I rarely use them)

I'm obsessed with the final look and feel way more organized.  Clean closet clear mind.


{ps click here to see my previous blog)

1 comment:

  1. Great post so helpful ! I've just done that , I've turned my old office into a closet , :)
